Pen & Ink Pairings

A pen without ink is, at best, an objet d'art.

Sky Blue TWSBI Eco (Extra Fine) filled with Noodler's Texas Sidewinder Blue TWSBI Diamond 580AL (IF) filled with Vinta Overcast Blue Green TWSBI Eco (Extra Fine) filled with Wearingeul Call of the Cthulhu Kyanite Blue TWSBI Vac 700R (Extra fine) filled with Noodler's Ottoman Azure Purple TWSBI Diamond Mini AL (Extra Fine) filled with Diamine Grape Red Hongdian D5 (Extra Fine) filled with Diamine Red Dragon Black TWSBI Diamond 580ALR (Extra Fine) filled with Akkerman #29 Hofvijver Gris White Blue Opus 88 Koloro (Extra Fine) filled with Birmingham Point Park Fountain Turquoise Blue TWSBI Eco (Extra Fine) filled with Vinta Cosmic Blue Solid Ice Franklin-Christoph Model 66 (IF) filled with Noodler's 54th Massachusetts Red Ripple Scriptorium Pens Custom (IM) filled with Monteverde Napa Burgundy Crystal Blue Platinum Cool (Fine) filled with Rohrer & Klingner Blu Mare Makrolon Lamy 2000 (0.6mm CI) filled with Rohrer & Klingner Sepia Orange Monteverde Regatta  (Extra Fine) filled with Private Reserve Electric DC Blue White Sailor Professional Gear Slim (Fine) filled with Noodler's Ottoman Rose