I always have a few (6) pens inked up and ready to go. There is no official rotation, just pens I happen to have filled with ink for one reason or another. These are those pen and ink pairings.
White Sailor Professional Gear Slim (Fine) filled with Noodler's Ottoman Rose for one year. Refilled 4 times 4 months ago .
White Blue Opus 88 Koloro (Extra Fine) filled with Birmingham Point Park Fountain Turquoise for 8 months.
Black TWSBI Diamond 580ALR (Extra Fine) filled with Akkerman #29 Hofvijver Gris for 7 months.
Purple TWSBI Diamond Mini AL (Extra Fine) filled with Diamine Grape for 5 months.
Kyanite Blue TWSBI Vac 700R (Extra fine) filled with Noodler's Ottoman Azure for 3 weeks.
Green TWSBI Eco (Extra Fine) filled with Wearingeul Call of the Cthulhu for one day.
6 inked up pens