I always have a few (8) pens inked up and ready to go. There is no official rotation, just pens I happen to have filled with ink for one reason or another. These are those pen and ink pairings.
White Sailor Professional Gear Slim (Fine) filled with Noodler's Ottoman Rose for 2 years. Refilled 5 times 5 months ago .
Kyanite Blue TWSBI Vac 700R (Extra fine) filled with Noodler's Ottoman Azure for 6 months. Refilled once about 4 weeks ago .
Green TWSBI Eco (Extra Fine) filled with Wearingeul Call of the Cthulhu for 5 months.
Blue TWSBI Diamond 580AL (IF) filled with Vinta Overcast Blue for 3 months.
Sky Blue TWSBI Eco (Extra Fine) filled with Noodler's Texas Sidewinder for 3 months.
Jade TWSBI Diamond 580ALR (Extra Fine) filled with Lamy Turmaline for 2 months.
Tibaldi Impero Celluloid Scriptorium Pens Idyll (Fine) filled with Pilot Iroshizuku Fuyu-syogun for 2 months. Refilled once 2 days ago .
Rainbow Asvine V200 (Extra Fine) filled with Rohrer & Klingner Magenta for 2 months.
8 inked up pens