Turmaline Island

Wherein my Jade TWSBI Diamond 580ALR (Extra Fine) is paired with Lamy Turmaline.

On my Jade TWSBI Diamond 580ALR (Extra Fine) joined its comrades when it was filled with Lamy Turmaline. This pairing has been in use for about 3 months.

Jade TWSBI Diamond 580ALR (Extra Fine) filled with Lamy Turmaline

Thoughts Before Filling

I picked up this pen because I wanted it for my collection, but I also wanted to write with the onyx nib. The pen makes me think of jade more than the Caribbean, and it took me some time to find an ink that I felt was a good match. I’m going to give Lamy Turmaline a try. I have only used this ink once before, so it’s time to give some attention.


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