Here lie former pen and ink pairings. You will not be forgotten.
On I filled my Night Blue Mica Pilot Namiki Stella 90S (Fine) with Noodler's Ottoman Azure. I refilled it 5 times; the last refill was on . The pen was emptied and cleaned on (9 months ago).
On I filled my Red Hongdian D5 (Extra Fine) with Diamine Red Dragon. The pen was emptied and cleaned on (10 months ago).
On I filled my Cerulean Blue TWSBI ECO (Extra Fine) with Noodler's Navajo Turquoise. The pen was emptied and cleaned on (11 months ago).
On I filled my Solid Ice Franklin-Christoph Model 66 (IF) with Noodler's 54th Massachusetts. The pen was emptied and cleaned on (one year ago).
On I filled my Red Ripple Scriptorium Pens Custom (IM) with Monteverde Napa Burgundy. The pen was emptied and cleaned on (one year ago).