Wherein my Wooden Deep Red Pilot Namiki Legno 89s (Fine) is paired with Paradise Pen Canyon Brown.
On my Wooden Deep Red Pilot Namiki Legno 89s (Fine) joined its comrades when it was filled with Paradise Pen Canyon Brown. The pen was in use for one month and was emptied and cleaned on , saying good-bye to its fellows.
This is another of my new pens and new ink. They are both brown, though the pen is a red brown. I’m not positive about the combination but I’ve been wanting to use a brown ink for a while now, so here we go!
Like the Stargazer/Stella this is a great little pen with a great little nib. The brown was good, but I fear it was a tad darker than I wanted at the time. Still, I enjoyed it and wouldn’t mind the combination again some day.
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