Wherein my Tibaldi Impero Celluloid Scriptorium Pens Idyll (IM) is paired with Pilot Iroshizuku Kiri-same.
On my Tibaldi Impero Celluloid Scriptorium Pens Idyll (IM) joined its comrades when it was filled with Pilot Iroshizuku Kiri-same. I refilled it once; the last refill was on . The pen was in use for 4 months and was emptied and cleaned on , saying good-bye to its fellows.
I have long wanted to give this ink a fair try, and while I think of blue when I think of this pen, I’m wanting to fill my Model 66 with a blue/turquoise ink and I’d rather not have the two pens competing with one another. I am hoping that grey will work since the Impero celluloid is mostly grey. For this inking I have pulled the F-C IM nib out of my Idyll prototype and am using it in this one. Mainly, I wanted another italic nib in my rotation, and it was getting rather sparse, and I’m a tad too busy to grind any new nibs. Secondarily it will allow me to compare the two Idylls better since the nib will be the same.
I was surprised at how much I loved this combination. At first I thought the ink was going to be too light, but it didn’t take long for me to enjoy the color and look forward to using it. Now I’ll have to pick up a bottle of it! The pen its perfect. It is everything I had hoped it would be and my other Idyll is in danger of being neglected for long periods of time now.
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