Cool Lagoon

Wherein my Crystal Blue Platinum Cool (Fine) is paired with Diamine Aqua Lagoon.

On my Crystal Blue Platinum Cool (Fine) joined its comrades when it was filled with Diamine Aqua Lagoon. The pen was in use for 3 months and was emptied and cleaned on , saying good-bye to its fellows.

Crystal Blue Platinum Cool (Fine) filled with Diamine Aqua Lagoon

Thoughts Before Filling

I’ve fallen in love with turquoise ink, and I’m a little perplexed that I have some bottles I’ve not yet used. My current Japanese fine nib is about to rotate out and I’ve been enjoying that width lately, so when I realized it had been a while since I had used my Platinum Cool it was an easy decision to fill it with a turquoise ink and write to my heart’s content.

Thoughts After Cleaning the Pen

I loved this combination! In fact, I’m a little sad I am retiring it, but I found that Aqua Lagoon is too close to Omi Osun for them to both be in use at the same time, and this pen went empty first. I do expect to return to this combination again though.


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