Aluminum Amethyst

Wherein my Purple TWSBI Diamond 580AL (IF) is paired with Levenger Amethyst.

On my Purple TWSBI Diamond 580AL (IF) joined its comrades when it was filled with Levenger Amethyst. The pen was in use for one month and was emptied and cleaned on , saying good-bye to its fellows.

Purple TWSBI Diamond 580AL (IF) filled with Levenger Amethyst

Thoughts Before Filling

I swapped the IF nib from my green 580 AL into this pen before filling it up. I’m keeping a diary for each of my girls; one of them loves blue and purple so I’ve been alternating entries and I wrote the purple pen dry tonight. I haven’t had a reason to ink up this 580 AL so I jumped at the chance. It’s also been a while since I’ve used Levenger’s Amethyst ink. Back when all I had were Leveger’s inks this was my second favorite, as evidenced by how much has been used.

Thoughts After Cleaning the Pen

For reasons I don’t fully understand this didn’t work out for me, so I’m emptying and cleaning it before I wrote it dry. I’ve used this nib in the past and enjoyed it, but with this ink I wasn’t seeing any line variation. I’ll take another look at the nib, and it could simply be that the ink is wetter than others.


Bianca Clark

Bianca Clark

on from 93221

Any chance you want to sell this purple TSWBI 580?

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