54-66 Model Mass

Wherein my Solid Ice Franklin-Christoph Model 66 (IF) is paired with Noodler's 54th Massachusetts.

On my Solid Ice Franklin-Christoph Model 66 (IF) joined its comrades when it was filled with Noodler's 54th Massachusetts. The pen was in use for 3 months and was emptied and cleaned on , saying good-bye to its fellows.

Solid Ice Franklin-Christoph Model 66 (IF) filled with Noodler's 54th Massachusetts

Thoughts Before Filling

I had a need to address some Christmas cards and wanted to use a waterproof ink. I also wanted to use 54th Massachusetts again and wanted to use my FC Model 66. I used the converter this time around as I don’t expect I’ll want this in my rotation for long.

Thoughts After Cleaning the Pen

This turned out to be a fun whim, but not much more than that. I enjoy this color of ink but at present it doesn’t inspire me so I found myself reaching for other pens.


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